Psychology Made Simple

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For psychologist Sara Chatwin and the team at MindWorks, Sport is an area of growth. We have been fortunate enough to work with elite sports people and teams to design strategies and options that help them maintain:

  • Focus
  • Direction
  • Motivation

A healthy mind supports a healthy body! Therefore sport, fitness and health go hand-in-hand for people who compete or participate at all levels. Whether you have a personal health and fitness goal or if you are wanting to fine tune sporting techniques at an elite level, psychologist Sara Chatwin and the MindWorks Team can help you get results. We offer:

  • Motivational programmes
  • Health and fitness assessments
  • Life skills management
  • Stress-busting techniques
  • Tips for positive performance

The Team at MindWorks offer YOUTH SPORTS sessions and seminars for the growing number of athletes between the ages 10-18 who have a strong passion for their sport(s) and really want to pursue their dreams. Although there are some structures in place through the National Sporting Bodies, many people choose to chat with the MindWorks Team so that a unique programme with individually tailored strategies can be put in place for their specific needs.

The MindWorks MOTIVATOR programme gives youth athletes the freedom to have input into the  strategies that resonate for them. 

They will be encouraged to ‘make the moment matter’ and discouraged from letting excuses, stresses and anxiety ruin their performance.

The Team at MindWorks are supportive of an alcohol-free and substance -free approach to sport and life. We aim to encourage positivity in the athletes we work with so they get the best put of their personal performance but also so that they provide positive role models for the youth sports to come!


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