Welcome to MindWorks
Psychologist Sara Chatwin and the MindWorks Team are based in Auckland. They help people with confidence building, stress management, attaining fitness goals and overall personal development. If you're looking for individual and family services, sports or business mentoring, and an entire range of other psychological therapeutic techniques and counselling services, then you've found the right team!
We are Life Performance Specialists
Psychologist Sara Chatwin and her team also offer a vast range of other Life Performance services, so click around and contact us if you have any questions so “we can take you on the journey from average to AWESOME!”

MindWorkers In The News

Seven Sharp
Psychologist Sara Chatwin explains how the new 'Clutter-Core' movement that's gaining momentum globally could help people attain the 'Feel Good Factor'.

Seven Sharp

Psychologist Sara Chatwin explains the concepts of Guilty Pleasures - the things that we enjoy but know we’re not supposed to like.

Psychologist Sara Chatwin explains the theory behind having a 'growth mindset', raised in Dominic Bowden's interview with retired US Navy Seal Pat Dossett.

First Steps

Newstalk ZB
Psychologist Sara Chatwin joins Kate Hawskeby on the Early Edition to discuss findings from Oxford University regarding the potentially beneficial affects of gaming on mental health.


Newstalk ZB
Registered psychologist Sara Chatwin joins The Weekend Collective to share her advice on helping kids cope with another lockdown.

The AM Show

Newstalk ZB
Psychologist Sara Chatwin told Kate Hawkesby that news coverage is likely fuelling a rise in young people worrying about climate change.

The Cafe

Radio NZ
Psychologist Sara Chatwin joined Karyn Hay to talk about the potential psychological effects of New Zealand's progression to Level 4 during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Project
New Relationship Research indicated that ARGUING could positively influence relationships!? Psychologist Sara Chatwin interpreted the findings reminding us that it's more a case of raising issues that are important to both parties and having a 'reasonable' dialogue as opposed to an out-in-out ROW that can help couples move forward!

The AM Show
Weetbix Better Brekkie Research and the Ministry of Health agree, children aren't eating or being provided with enough nutritious options, often enough! Social media is being implicated in skipping meals, overeating, and loss of focus at meal time! An advocate of "keeping social media in its place" Sara joined the AM crew to discuss.

Kiwi Wealth

Breakfast Show

The Cafe
Psychologist Sara Chatwin joined the coffee group on The Cafe to discuss "birth order" and what parents think of their tribe! Is it really all about numbers?

John Templeton
John Templeton (JT) has combined many lives in ONE! From street urchin, to soldier to Kiwi Bachelor of the Year and now JT is on a mission to help people live better lives by educating them on the necessary skills and tools required to survive in all areas of life.
John made a name for himself in the Cross Fit circuit and has now taken all his life experience and skill to the next level.

Britta Pedersen
Britta Pedersen is an out of network Senior Physiotherapist & Performance Trainer from New Zealand, with 12+ years practical experience in the Musculo-Skeletal field, based in Southern California.
Psychologist Sara Chatwin and MindWorks Team worked with Britta to promote “mind/body wellness” after appearing on TVNZ to discuss Britta’s rehab process following a devastating fall from a horse.

Fashionista Fail
Carolyn Keep (Taylor) finished her “Fashionista Fail” Challenge in style....made her travel dreams come true and met her husband along the way.
Psychologist Sara Chatwin and the team at MindWorks are pretty proud of those achievements!
There is more to come from Caro who is currently contributing to a new Cycling show on TVNZ (airing in 2018), so she will be on your screens shortly!

Diversity Works NZ
Diversity Works NZ (formerly the Equal Employment Opportunities Trust) is a national membership organisation that helps businesses develop and diversify to provide more inclusive workplaces. The latest bi-annual NZ Workplace Diversity Survey identified 'work-life balance' as an issue by 66% of respondents.
Psychologist Sara Chatwin and DWNZ's Bev Cassidy-Mackenzie addressed this and other findings in a brief video update.

Unfiltered - Peak Performance